After so long

Well well well...

Elo guys!:)))

Another busy month, which made my life fully occupied by field trips, camps, labs and reports.

Sometimes kind of like the busy life, sometimes not;
Sometimes frustrated at the forever cannot complete-de-report due to the changes of data, discussion, this and that;
Sometimes feel like I became a 宅女, my hostel room, lab, and library are my second home. I will only stay in room, lab and library to surf the net, OR, rushing reports. No shopping, no pasar malam, No No No;
Sometimes, I miss home badly, so badly;
Sometimes, I wish my man could be here with me, when I am down, I am able to get a hug from him at the very first minute;
Sometimes I feel no life when the mood strike down to max, just wanted to shout out loud, or at least let me sing our loud, with tears or not;
Sometimes, I know, I know, I am on the way to graduation, to strengthen my knowledge, to ensure my  bright future.

Finally, the peak of busy-ness has come to an end, I mean, ALL field trips are over.
I can spend my weekends for lab and reports!:)

PS: I feel grateful enough when I have sufficient sleeping hour, when I am able to complete my tasks on time.

Multi-tasker me.

Gonna be stronger to face the upcoming challenges!

As usual, there are tonnes of photo are pending and pending to be uploaded. I am so SOLI, seriously, I will update ×slowly× when I have ×extra× time.:)))

I won't abandon my blog, because, 
I love life n I love blogging!:)


Appreciate your life~


...With Love...


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