Classic Berry ~Me~


Winney ME after using Liese Bubble Hair Dye--->

Maybe the colour is not so obvious now~>.< Since it's kinda very berry Dark Brownish Red in colour~

I asked a few friends of mine, BUT they said seems like no difference also~=.=lll


Low profile mah~

Maybe i shall stand under the BIG hot sun next time...Probably can see clearer gua?xD


Niways, kinda like my new hair colour now...But then...won't dye it so often, maybe..just maybe, this would be the last time bah~^_^ Still prefer my Black hair somehow...Natural and pretty~~~xD

Soli loe...Ter-CamWhore pulak...addicted mah~=P

A new hair colour, waiting for Chinese New Year to arrive~ :D

Can't wait for it~~~


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